GLINT Pipeline’s classes

Classes used by the GLINT Data Reduction Software

class glint_classes.ChipProperties(data=None, nbimg=(None, None), transpose=False)

Class handling the determination of the properties of the chip.

getRatioCoeff(beam, zeta_coeff)

Determines the flux ratio between the different outputs

beam: int,

id (1..4) of the intput.

zeta_coeff: dic

Dictionary in which the flux ratios are stored.

zeta_coeff: dic

Same dictionary as required in the parameters, with the new entries set by the beam parameters.

class glint_classes.File(data=None, nbimg=(None, None), transpose=False)

Management of the HDF5 datacube generated by GLINT

data: string (optional)

Path to the datacube to load. If None, datacube full of 0 is created, with same dimension as real data (nbimg, 344, 96). In that case, parameter nbimg cannot be None.

nbimg: tup (optional)

Load all frames of the datacube at path data from the first to the second-1 element of the tuple. It cannot be (None, None) if mock data is created.

transpose: bol (optional)

If True, swappes the 2nd and 3rd axis of the datacube.

binning(arr, binning, axis=0, avg=False)

Bin frames together

arr: nd-array

Array containing data to bin

binning: int

Number of frames to bin

axis: int

axis along which the frames are

avg: bol

If True, the method returns the average of the binned frame. Otherwise, return its sum.


Change the attributes

data: ndarray


cosmeticsFrames(dark, nonoise=False)

NOTE FROM 2020-06-26: Deprecated: dark must be a 2d-array full of 0. The cosmetics is performed on the outputs themselves instead of the whole frame. The attributes are meaningless but kept for comptability and further changes.

Remove dark and bias from data frames. Directly acts on data attribute. Compute the variance and standard deviation of the background noise in a signal-free area of the frames.

dark: 2d-array

Average dark

nbimg: tup (optional)

Load all frames of the datacube at path data from the first to the second-1 element of the tuple. It cannot be (None, None) if mock data is created.

nonoise: bool

Set to True if data does not have any detector noise (e.g. simulated one). It skips the cosmetics and set estimation of the background variance/std to zero


Change the attributes

data: ndarray

data frame

bg_std: ndarray

Standard deviation of the background of each frame

bg_var: ndarray

Variance of the background of each frame

loadfile(data=None, nbimg=None, transpose=False)

Load the datacube when a File-object is created.

data: string (optional)

Path to the datacube to load. If None, datacube full of 0 is created, with same dimension as real data (nbimg, 344, 96). In that case, parameter nbimg cannot be None.

nbimg: tup (optional)

Load all frames of the datacube at path data from the first to the second-1 element of the tuple. It cannot be (None, None) if mock data is created.

transpose: bol (optional)

If True, swappes the 2nd and 3rd axis of the datacube.


Return the attributes

data: ndarray

loaded or created datacube

nbimg: float

number of frames in the data ndarray

class glint_classes.Null(data=None, nbimg=(None, None), transpose=False)

Class handling the measurement of the null and photometries from bias-corrected frame.


Deprecated. Compute the null depth per spectral channel, per frame, per model, for each output.


Creates the following attributes

nullX: ndarray

Estimated null depth of the Xth null, based on the amplitude attribute.

nullX_err: ndarray

Estimated uncertainty of the estimated Xth null from the amplitude attribute.

null_modelX: ndarray

Estimated null depth of the Xth null, based on the integ_model attribute.

null_modelX_err: ndarray

Estimated uncertainty of the estimated Xth null from the integ_model attribute.

null_windowedX: ndarray

Estimated null depth of the Xth null, based on the integ_windowed attribute.

null_windowedX_err: ndarray

Estimated uncertainty of the estimated Xth null from the integ_windowed attribute.

null_rawX: ndarray

Estimated null depth of the Xth null, based on the raw attribute.

null_raw1_err: ndarray

Estimated uncertainty of the estimated Xth null from the raw attribute.

error_null(null, Iminus, Iplus, Iminus_err, Iplus_err)


Propagate the error on intensities estimations to the null depth. We assume independant and Gaussian distributed values.


null: array, estimated null depths

Iminus: array, intensity from the conventional null output

Iplus: array, intensity from the conventional antinull output

Iminus_err: array, error on the intensity from the conventional antinull output

Iplus_err: array, error on the intensity from the conventional antinull output


Error on the null depth

getChannels(channel_pos, sep, spatial_axis, **kwargs)

Extract the 16 channels/outputs from frames

channel_pos: list, array-like

Expected position of the arrays

sep: float

Separation (in pixels) between two consecutive channels

spatial_axis: 1d-array

Position-coordinate of each channel

kwargs: optional

Can add the keyword dark associated with the average dark of each channel to perform their cosmetics instead of using the cosmeticsFrames method from class File.


Create the attributes

slices: 4d-darray

Subframes of each channel. Structure as follow: (frame, spectral axis, channel ID, spatial axis)

slices_axes: ndarray

Spatial coordinates of each channel

getIntensities(mode, wl_bounds=(0, <sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>))

Gets the intensity per spectral channel, per frame, per model, for each output.

mode: str,
Select the way the flux is estimated in every outputs:
  • amplitude uses patterns determined in the script glint_geometric_calibration and a linear least square is performed to get the amplitude of the pattern
  • model proceeds like amplitude but the integral of the flux is returned
  • windowed returns a weighted mean as flux of the spectral channel. The weights is the same pattern as the other modes above
  • raw returns the mean of the flux along the spatial axis over the whole width of the output
wl_bounds:tup, optional

Set the bounds of the bandwidth to keep, in nanometer. Default is to keep all the common spectral channels to all outputs.

pX: ndarray,

Estimated flux in the photometric output X=1..4, from the amplitude attribute.

pX_err: ndarray,

Uncertainty on the estimated flux in the photometric output X

IminusX: ndarray,

Estimated flux in the null output X=1..6, from the amplitude attribute.

IplusX: ndarray,

Estimated flux in the antinull output X=1..6, from the amplitude attribute.

pX_model: ndarray

Estimated flux in the photometric output X=1..4, from the integ_model attribute.

pX_model_err: ndarray

Uncertainty on the estimated flux in the photometric output X

Iminus_modelX: ndarray

Estimated flux in the null output X=1..6, from the integ_model attribute.

Iplus_modelX: ndarray

Estimated flux in the antinull output X=1..6, from the integ_model attribute.

pX_windowed: ndarray

Estimated flux in the photometric output X=1..4, from the integ_windowed attribute.

pX_windowed_err: ndarray

Uncertainty on the estimated flux in the photometric output X

Iminus_windowedX: ndarray

Estimated flux in the null output X=1..6, from the integ_windowed attribute.

Iplus_windowedX: ndarray

Estimated flux in the antinull output X=1..6, from the integ_windowed attribute.

pX_raw: ndarray

Estimated flux in the photometric output X=1..4, from the raw attribute.

pX_raw_err: ndarray

Uncertainty on the estimated flux in the photometric output X

Iminus_rawX: ndarray

Estimated flux in the null output X=1..6, from the raw attribute.

Iplus_rawX: ndarray

Estimated flux in the antinull output X=1..6, from the raw attribute.

getSpectralFlux(spectral_axis, positions, widths, mode_flux, debug=False)

Wrapper getting the flux per spectral channel of each output.

spectral_axis: ndarray

Common spectral axis in pixel for every outputs

position: array-like

Positions of each output respect to the column of pixels.

width: array-like

Widths of each output respect to the column of pixels.

mode_flux: string, choose the method to estimate the spectral flux in the outputs among:
  • amplitude uses patterns determined in the script glint_geometric_calibration and a linear least square is performed to get the amplitude of the pattern
  • model proceeds like amplitude but the integral of the flux is returned
  • windowed returns a weighted mean as flux of the spectral channel. The weights is the same pattern as the other modes above
  • raw returns the mean of the flux along the spatial axis over the whole width of the output. If chosen, other modes are not calculated and positions, widths are not used. Otherwise, the raw mode is used as well as the given mode.
debug: bool

Debug mode. If True, use the python/numpy function _getSpectralFlux which is slow and allow visual check of the well behaviour of the model fitting. Strongly recommended to load only one block and one frame of data and deactivated the save of the final products. If False, use the numba function _getSpectralFluxNumba. For fast and routine use of the measurement of the flux.


Creates the following attributes

raw: ndarray

Estimation of the spectral flux by simply summing slices along spatial axis

raw_err:ndarray, deprecated

Estimation of the uncertainty of the estimation of the raw flux.

amplitude: ndarray

Estimation of the spectral flux as the amplitude of the Gaussian profile fitted by numpy’s linear leastsquare method.

residuals_reg: ndarray

Residuals from the fit which gives amplitude attribute.

amplitude_fit: ndarray

From debug-mode only. Estimation of the spectral flux as the amplitude of the Gaussian profile fitted by the scipy’s curve_fit method, assuming a gaussian profile.

residuals_fit: ndarray

From debug-mode only. Residuals of the fit performed by the scipy’s curve_fit method

cov: scalar

From debug-mode only. Covariance estimated by the scipy’s curve_fit method

amplitude_error: ndarray

Uncertainty of the estimation of amplitude


I keep it otherwise some part of code do not work anymore. It is useless though. This method monitores the flux in one spectral channel (column of pixel 56) for the four photometric outputs.

matchSpectralChannels(wl_to_px_coeff, px_to_wl_coeff)

All tracks are slightly shifted respect to each other. Need to define the common wavelength to all of them and create a matching map between the spectral channels of every tracks.

wl_to_px_coeff: ndarray

Polynomial coefficients converting wavelength to pixel position along the spectral axis of the frames.

px_to_wl_coeff: ndarray

Polynomial coefficients converting pixel position to wavelength along the spectral axis of the frames.


Creates the following attributes

wl_scale: ndarray

Wavelength scale for each output, in nanometer.

px_scale: ndarray

Wavelength scale for each output, in pixel.

save(path, date)

Saves intermediate products for further analyses, into HDF5 file format. The different intensities and null are gathered into dictionaries.

path: str

Path of the file to save. Must contain the name of the file.

date: str

date of the acquisition of the data (YYYY-MM-DD).


HDF5 file containing the measured spectral intensities of each output, for each frames, and their uncertainties.

Keywords identifies the nature of the stored data.

Comments into the file contains the following attributes:
  • date: date of the acquisition of the data;
  • nbimg: number of frames;
  • array shape: shape of the data into the data sets.
spectralBinning(wl_min, wl_max, bandwidth, wl_to_px_coeff)

Method for keeping or binning a spectral band. It changes the attributes pX, IminusX, IplusX (X=1..6), px_scale and wl_scale of the object.

wl_min: scalar

Lower bound of the bandwidth to keep/bin, in nm

wl_max: scalar

Upper bound of the bandwidth to keep/bin, in nm

bandwidth: scalar or None

Width of the spectrum to bin (in nm), should be lower or equal to the difference between wl_min and wl_max. If it is higher, the whole spectrum is binned. If None, the whole band is binned and the average value is taken.

wl_to_px_coeff: array

Coefficient of conversion from wavelength to pixel position

glint_classes.gaussian(x, A, B, C, loc, sig)

Computes a gaussian curve

x: (N,) array

Values for which the gaussian is estimated

A: float

amplitude of the gaussian curve

loc: float

center of the curve

sig: float>0

scale factor of the curve


The gaussian curve respect to x values